Support for study and scientific research

The Ceresio Foundation awards around thirty scholarships both abroad and in Ticino, aimed at deserving students who need support to proceed with their studies. Most of them allow young people to obtain training at a professional or university level. The Foundation also supports a doctoral student in scientific research at IRB (Biomedicine Research Institute). 
Find out more about the projects


Financing of a scholarship for young doctors. Up until 2018 The Foundation has supported a doctor for specialization in pediatrics and currently supports 3 Ugandan nurses who are completing their training in the health sector, one of whom is following a three-year course to obtain a degree in Public Health Dentistry at the Gulu School of Clinical Officers College.

4 scholarships assigned (for the coverage of the entire scholastic course) to 4 female students to obtain the midwifery certificate. The Foundation also finances the achievement of the midwifery certificate to other female students, with the aim of stimulating the girls to finish their studies as soon as possible.

Assignment of scholarships for up to 6 teachers for a three-year pedagogical training course at Mikese University - Wes in Yambio in South Sudan.

As done for Nzara, the Foundation will award scholarships in 2020 to allow even 6 Renk teachers to improve their teaching skills.

Casa dos Curumins is a kindergarten and after-school center that welcomes and educates more than 300 children and adolescents from the favelas of Pedreira, a neighborhood on the southern outskirts of São Paulo. The Foundation supports the university fees of some children who grew up in the Casa dos Curumins and who were thus able to access university studies.

MASHLM, Master in Humanitarian Logistics
The Foundation has awarded 18 scholarships to students from around the world with basic training in the humanitarian field since 2012. The objective of the Master is to provide students with the logistics tools needed to deal with humanitarian crises in their countries of origin.

Scholarships awarded to students of various faculties
Under the guidance of the Leonardo Foundation, our Foundation has begun to award about 10 scholarships a year to Bachelor students at USI.

Aristotle College
The Foundation finances the college that welcomes about thirty deserving students enrolled at USI or the Conservatory of Lugano every year.

The Foundation funds a doctoral student working at the IRB, which is a research center in molecular immunology, every 3 years. The PhD student of the three-year period 2015/2018 has won several awards and has published her research thesis in prestigious scientific journals.