
Global Selection SGR SpA

Global Selection SGR SpA is an asset management company part of the Banca del Ceresio Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ceresio SIM. The company is authorized to perform collective investment scheme, being registered with no. 51 in the register of asset management companies pursuant to Article 35 TUF - FIA managers section, held by the Bank of Italy.

Global Selection SGR offers Wealth Management services to its clients through the establishment and/or management of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). In particular, the Company is involved in the activities of:

  • Definition and development of "multi-strategy" Alternative Fund of Funds under Italian law;
  • Analysis and selection of strategies and target funds to be included in the different products;
  • Management of risks associated with this type of investment.

Active since 2003, Global Selection SGR manages two Italian Alternative Investment Funds (FIA):

  • Global Managers Selection Fund
  • China Managers Selection Fund

It is also the Management Company and manager of Selection Holdings SA, a SICAV-FIAR under Luxembourg law , an umbrella fund composed of five compartments:

  • Atlantic Selection,
  • Pacific Selection,
  • China Selection,
  • Macro Plus e
  • Global Investment Portfolio (GIP).




Born in 1957, Italian citizen, he is Chairman of Ceresio SIM and its subsidiaries Global Selection SGR and Eutofinleading Fiduciaria as well as a member of the Board of Directors in other Group companies. An economics and business gradu-ate from LUISS University, Rome, in 1981, Maurizio Solaro del Borgo worked for the corporate finance division of a major banking institution. From 1988 to 2023, he worked at Banca del Ceresio.

Giacomo Foglia holds a Law Degree from Statale University, Milan (1988) and is a member of the Italian Association of Financial Analysts. He joined Banca del Ceresio in 1991 after several professional experiences in various banks in New York. He serves on the boards of some of BdC's subsidiaries and is a director of Haussmann General Partner S.a.r.l.

Born in 1960, a Swiss and Italian citizen, he has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2010. An economics graduate from Bocconi University,  he was a Managing Director and Chairman of Banca del Ceresio’s Management Committee until 2010. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Belgrave Capital Management, Ceresio SIM and Global Selection SGR. He is also a member of the investment committee for the Group’s multi-manager funds.  He holds various other positions, including as a member of, Trustee or consultant to the boards of directors of some private companies, universities, funds  and foundations. He occasionally writes on finance issues in leading newspapers.

Born in 1969, Swiss and Italian citizen, he was Executive Director of the Board of Directors of Belgrave Capital Management from 2014 to 2024. Since October 2024 he holds the position of Executive Director of Business Development at Global Selection SGR where he was already a member of the Board of Directors and member of the Investment Committee. He holds a degree in economics from Bocconi University in Milan and is a member of AIAF (Italian Association of Financial Analysts). Before joining Belgrave Capital Management, he was a Director and member of the Executive Board of Banca del Ceresio. He joined Banca del Ceresio in 2000 after five years' experience at an asset management company in London where he was Director of Private Investment Management. He also sits on the Board of Directors of companies active in the media and automation components business.

Mr. Nocera is the Managing Director and CIO of BCM. He is a member of the investment committee of the Group's multi-manager funds, a director of Global Selection Advisors Ltd. and Global Selection SGR SpA. He is also a member of the Investment Committee of Haussmann General Partner. Mr Nocera established BCM in 1995. From 1984 to 1994 Mr. Nocera worked for Bankers Trust Company in New York and London where he held various positions. He received a BA degree in Economics from Brown University and an MBA from New York University.

Senior Management

Appointed Managing Director of Ceresio SIM in July 2021.

Loris has over 20 years of experience in private banking and investment management.

Prior to joining Ceresio, Loris delivered a number of key strategic initiatives within the Julius Baer Group  in Zurich, Lugano, Milan and London. Most recently, he was General Manager at Kairos in Milano (2020-2021), Head of Portfolio Management International in the Investment Management division in Zurich (2018-2019) and Head of Product and Services at Julius Baer’s London office (2017-2018).

From 2002 to 2011, he worked for Credit Suisse, where he built his reputation in consulting and asset management services.

Loris received a Degree in Business Administration from the University of Linz, Austria, with a specialization in Information Technology and Organization.

Luigi Nardella, CFA is the Chief Investment Officer of Ceresio SIM and Global Selection SGR. He chairs the Group’s Investment Committee. Prior to his current role he worked for 15 years at Belgrave Capital Management Ltd., the London based asset management subsidiary of Ceresio Investors, as a Co-Head of Research. He was responsible for the research, due-diligence of hedge funds and active long-only managers across investment strategies and geographic areas. Luigi graduated magna cum laude from Università Luigi Bocconi in Milan.

Born in 1969, Swiss and Italian citizen, he was Executive Director of the Board of Directors of Belgrave Capital Management from 2014 to 2024. Since October 2024 he holds the position of Executive Director of Business Development at Global Selection SGR where he was already a member of the Board of Directors and member of the Investment Committee. He holds a degree in economics from Bocconi University in Milan and is a member of AIAF (Italian Association of Financial Analysts). Before joining Belgrave Capital Management, he was a Director and member of the Executive Board of Banca del Ceresio. He joined Banca del Ceresio in 2000 after five years' experience at an asset management company in London where he was Director of Private Investment Management. He also sits on the Board of Directors of companies active in the media and automation components business.

Born in 1972, Italian citizen, has been with Ceresio Milano Group since 2014, Chief Operating Officer of the three Italian companies since 2020. Degree in Business Administration, has over 20 years of experience in private banking and investment management.

Born in 1981, an Italian citizen, he has been with Ceresio Group since 2017. Degree in Economics of Financial Institutions and Markets, he has 20 years of experience in private banking and asset management. He began his career in General Electrics Oil &Gas, then after an experience in Ernst &Young, he joined Julius Bär SGR and then GAM (Italy) SGR holding the position of Head of Compliance & AML. In Ceresio Investors he holds the position of Head of Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering and Corporate Affairs for the three Italian companies.

Born in 1986, Italian citizen, joined Ceresio Group in January 2023. Bachelor's degree in Economics of Banks, Insurance and Financial Intermediaries obtained with honors from the University of Milan Bicocca (2005-2008) and Master's degree in Economics and Management of Financial Institutions and Markets obtained from the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University (2008-2010). In the two-year period 2017-2018 he obtained the "Financial Risk Manager" (FRM) certification issued by the GARP association (Global Association of Risk Professionals).
He has been working in the private banking and asset management sector for about 15 years, first in GAM SGR (formerly Julius Baer SGR) alongside the Asset Management team, then, after an experience in Credit Suisse as a member of the Risk Management & Performance Measurement Team, as Head of the Risk Management Function and, since May 2018, of the Anti-Money Laundering Function. From January 2020 to January 2023 he held the role of Head of the Risk Management Function at Vontobel Wealth Management SIM, before moving to Ceresio in 2023.


Global Managers Selection Fund – feeder fund of Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection

Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) under Italian law which aims to obtain an absolute return in Euro in the medium to long term predominantly through investment in the respective compartment of the Master Fund.

The Feeder Fund invests at least 85% of its assets in the shares of  Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection, a compartment of the Luxembourg-based SICAV, Selection Holdings SICAV FIAR, set up in the form of a reserved alternative investment fund .

Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio managers that utilize a range of investment strategies, primarily focused on long-short equity. In particular, the Compartment seeks to achieve its objective by investing most of its assets either in AIFs or other investment funds or through discretionary investment accounts managed by investment managers (together the Collective Investment Schemes, hereinafter CIS) investing globally. The Compartment’s multi-manager approach focuses on absolute return-oriented portfolio managers who are typically independent, have proven performance record and whose interests are aligned with investors through co-investment in the CIS alongside their investors’ capital.


China Managers Selection Fund – feeder fund of Selection Holdings - China Selection

Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) under Italian law which aims to obtain an absolute return in Euro in the medium to long term predominantly through investment in the respective compartment of the Master Fund.

The Feeder Fund invests at least 85% of its assets in the shares of  Selection Holdings - China Selection,  a compartment of the Luxembourg-based SICAV, Selection Holdings SICAV FIAR, established in the form of a reserved alternative investment fund .

Selection Holdings - China Selection aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio managers that utilize a range of investment strategies, primarily focused on long-short equity. In particular, the Compartment seeks to achieve its objective by investing most of its assets either in CIS principally investing or based in Greater China (i.e., mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). The Compartment may also invest in CIS whose managers are based in Greater China, but invest globally. The Compartment’s multi-manager approach focuses on absolute return-oriented portfolio managers who are typically independent, have proven performance record and whose interests are aligned with investors through co-investment in the CIS alongside their investors’ capital.



The AIF is a multi-compartment open-ended collective investment undertaking reserved to professional investors, established in the form of an investment company with variable capital under Luxembourg law, pursuant to the Luxembourg Law of 23 July 2016 on RAIFs, with registered office in Rue de la Poste 20, L-2346 Luxembourg.

The structure of the EU AIF currently includes the following sub-funds:

•     Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection,

•     Selection Holdings - Pacific Selection,

•     Selection Holdings - China Selection,

•     Selection Holdings - Macro PLUS,

•     Selection Holdings – Global Investment Portfolio (GIP).

All the sub-funds pursue an investment strategy that aims to generate long-term returns, primarily through investment in other CIS.

Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio managers that utilize a range of investment strategies, primarily focused on long-short equity. In particular, the Compartment seeks to achieve its objective by investing most of its assets in CIS investing globally. The Compartment’s multi-manager approach focuses on absolute return-oriented portfolio managers who are typically independent, have proven performance record and whose interests are aligned with investors through co-investment in the CIS alongside their investors’ capital.

Selection Holdings - Pacific Selection aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio managers that utilize a range of investment strategies, primarily focused on long-short equity. In particular, the Compartment seeks to achieve its objective by investing most of its assets in CIS principally investing or based in Asia. The Compartment may also invest in CIS whose managers are based in Asia, but invest globally. The Compartment’s multi-manager approach focuses on absolute return-oriented portfolio managers who are typically independent, have proven performance record and whose interests are aligned with investors through co-investment in the CIS alongside their investors’ capital.

Selection Holdings - China Selection aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio managers that utilize a range of investment strategies, primarily focused on long-short equity. In particular, the Compartment seeks to achieve its objective by investing most of its assets either in CIS principally investing or based in Greater China (i.e., mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). The Compartment may also invest in CIS whose managers are based in Greater China, but invest globally. The Compartment’s multi-manager approach focuses on absolute return-oriented portfolio managers who are typically independent, have proven performance record and whose interests are aligned with investors through co-investment in the CIS alongside their investors’ capital.

The Selection Holdings - Macro Plus sub-fund pursues an investment policy that seeks to generate returns over the long term by investing primarily in other UCIs of managers that primarily employ macro investment strategies. In particular, the sub-fund's investment objective is to invest primarily in alternative investment funds, i.e. other types of investment funds or through discretionary asset management, of managers that invest globally in a range of asset classes including fixed income, foreign exchange, equity and commodities, without specific restrictions in terms of instrument types or geographic ranges, and with a preference for managers with absolute return objectives. The sub-fund may also invest directly in securities and financial instruments, including derivatives, with exposure to equity markets, interest rates and currencies. In order to better manage the Sub-Fund's liquidity, the Sub-Fund may also invest in short-term deposits, certificates of deposit or other money market instruments.

The Selection Holdings - Global Investment Portfolio (GIP) sub-fund pursues an investment policy that seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by allocating its assets among portfolio manager products that employ a variety of investment strategies, including but not limited to long-short equity, long-only equity, global macro and event-driven. 
The sub-fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing the majority of its assets in AIFs or other types of investment funds or through discretionary asset management, which invest globally in a variety of asset classes, including without restrictions on the types of securities or geographic regions in which they may invest. The sub-fund may also invest directly in securities and other financial instruments, including derivatives, with exposure to equity markets, interest rates and currencies.
The sub-fund will not be exposed to a single fund or product for more than 85% of its NAV. In particular, at least 70% of the sub-fund's portfolio will be invested in Leveraged Assets Fund Ltd., Cayman Islands Exempted Company with registered office at Citco Fund Administration (Cayman Islands) Limited, 89 Nexus Way, 2nd floor, Camana Bay, P.O. Box 31103, Grand Cayman, Kyi-1205 Caymans Islands, incorporated on 5 November 2013.

Leveraged Assets Fund Ltd. is managed by Belgrave Capital Management Ltd. Antonio Foglia is a member of the investment committee of Belgrave Capital Management Ltd. and in this capacity guides the investment strategy implemented by Leveraged Assets Fund Ltd. In addition, Antonio Foglia is a member of the board of directors and the investment committee of the SGR.
More specifically, Leveraged Assets Fund Ltd. is an open-ended fund, under Cayman Islands law , whose objective is capital growth in the medium to long term. To achieve this objective, it uses directly or indirectly a variety of investment strategies that may change depending on the different market phases. The most commonly used strategies include (but are not limited to): investments in other hedge funds and macro overlays for the strategic and tactical management of equity, currency, interest rate and credit exposure, through long and short positions. The remaining part of the portfolio will be invested in equity funds, hedge funds, currencies (mainly FX forward ) or financial instruments (shares, bonds and derivatives), as complementary as possible, in order to achieve a level of risk/return deemed appropriate to achieve the objective of the sub-fund. 


For more information, visit the dedicated site

NAV at 31.01.2025

Description ISIN TKR Bloomerg Valore Quota
Global Managers Selection Fund (classe A) IT0003407100 GMSFUND IM Equity 1.267.411,53 €
Global Managers Selection Fund (classe I) IT0004399579 GMSFUND IM Equity 973.464,84 €
China Managers Selection Fund (classe I) IT0004399678 GSASMSA IM Equity 787.208,89 €

The NAVs of the funds:

Selection Holdings - Atlantic Selection;
Selection Holdings - Pacific Selection;
Selection Holdings - China Selection;
Selection Holdings - Macro Plus;
Selection Holdings - Global Investment Portfolio (GIP);

Are available at NAVs (



Global Selection SGR SpA
Via Tamburini, 13
20123 Milano (MI), Italia

Tel.: +39 02 3037 7301
Fax: +39 02 3037 7349
[email protected]