Who we are / Ceresio Foundation /

Health in Northern Uganda

The Ceresio Foundation has supported operationally and financially two hospitals in Northern Uganda. On top of paying specific attention to the  administrative management of the supported institutions,  the Foundation is also experimenting with new donation tools, such as "Result Based Financing", where  donations are linked to the results obtained by the beneficiary.

The Foundation also supports:

  • scholarships to candidates selected by both hospitals in order to support the specialization of local professionals
  • the School of Obstetrics, sponsoring scholarships for female students to obtain the midwife certification


Lacor (Northern Uganda) is a large hospital that treats about 242 thousand patients every year, has 600 employees, all Ugandan, and is partly subsidized by the Corti Foundation. Throughout the years, a   a relationship of trust and mutual esteem has been established between the Corti Foundation and the Ceresio Foundation. This allowed to work synergically towards common goals.

  • The Ceresio Foundation was one of the first private foundations to promote the RBF program (Result Based Financing, a system of donation based on performance), financing from 2010 onwards about 1% of the current activities of the hospital (all in the maternal-infant department) and subsidizing the care of about 20,000 patients (mothers and newborns) over the course of the years. The Foundation also donates funding for a scholarship for young doctors. Up until 2018, the Foundation has supported a female doctor to specialize in pediatrics and is currently supporting 3 Ugandan nurses who are furthering their training in the health sector, one of whom is pursuing a three-year course to obtain a diploma in Public Health Dentistry at the Gulu School of Clinical Officers College.

Kalongo is a hospital founded in 1956 by surgeon and Comboni missionary Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli and is currently supported by the Ambrosoli Foundation. Today, the hospital, located in a remote area of Northern Uganda, houses 271 beds and employs 240 staff.

  • The Ceresio Foundation finances part of the salary of the current Ugandan CEO of the hospital and has supported the Ambrosoli Foundation for years in the management of the hospital through a constructive collaboration. The Foundation has provided funds to sponsor the scholarships of 4 female students in order to obtain the midwifery certifications and is also financing the midwifery certification to other female students, with the objective of stimulating the girls to finish their studies in the shortest possible time.