Who we are / Ceresio Foundation /

Social vulnerability in Ticino region (Switzerland) and Insubria region (Italy)

The Ceresio Foundation operationally and financially supports several entities and projects:


The Red Cross in Ticino is mandated by the Cantonhas the cantonal mandate to manage the collective centers for asylum seekers. Unaccompanied minors (without families) are housed in two centers.

  • In collaboration with other foundations memberd of the Ticino Foundation Network, the Foundation, finances summer activities and winter camps for 70 unaccompanied minor refugees. In addition, the Foundation supports the centers with timely donations aimed at study support and recreational activities.

The project supports students by pairing them with trained volunteers. The aim is to combat the phenomenon of kids “chiavi al collo”   and to help them to fulfill their potential by collaborating directly with schools. The children's families are also involved in other activities in order to support their integration in the territory.

  • The Foundation contributes to organizing moments of encounter for mothers with their children, by supporting the mothers in acquiring the acquisition of minimal language skills and knowledge of customs and traditions through Italian courses and the constant support of families.

Tavolino Magico collects foodstuffs in excess or expiring from supermarkets, from production or agricultural companies and redistributes food to needy people throughout Switzerland (about 130 distribution centers).

  • In addition to financing the purchase and maintenance of the food transport vans, the Foundation has been supporting the management team of Tavolino Magico for several years in the development of an effective strategy to save and redistribute as many goods as possible.

Sostare Sagl is a non-profit organization part of SOS Ticino involved in professional and social integration in the catering sector (30 young people in training, retraining and placement assistance programs). The project consists of trainings and internships for young people at the restaurant “La Casa del Popolo”  in Bellinzona and at other training companies.

  • The foundation supports Sostare by funding the school fees and supporting three apprentices.

Superar Suisse is an initiative that promotes music through free music classes  for children of all social and economic backgrounds and targeting  schools in the less wealthy districts of Lugano. Once the contract has been signed, attendance to the course becomes compulsory (two / three lessons per week), and aims to  improve the overall performance of the children, who over time show  strong motivation (thanks to the increase in self-esteem, social integration and education in beauty in general).

  • The Foundation finances Superar in order to allow all children to constantly engage in constructive musical activity.

Parallelo Lab is the first project of Officina Casona, a young social enterprise, a laboratory of young artisans  that works to promote integration, autonomy and inclusion at the local level. They make handcrafted products with recycled materials, offer tailor-made repairs and projects, communication services, courses and events.

  • The Foundation contributed to the cooperative's current expenses.