Projects in the world

The Ceresio Foundation supports:

  • 4 missionary hospitals in Africa including 2 in Uganda, 1 in South Sudan and 1 in Benin
  • 5 schools distributed between South Sudan, Nepal and Brazil

In addition to paying attention to the administrative management of the institutions the Foundation experiments with new donation tools, such as the "Result Base Financing", which links the donation to the results actually obtained by the beneficiary.

Find out more about the projects.


Lacor (northern Uganda) is a large hospital that treats about 242 thousand patients every year and has 600 Ugandan employees, and is partly subsidized by the Corti Foundation. During the long years of collaboration between the Corti Foundation and the Ceresio Foundation a relationship of trust and mutual esteem has been established which has allowed, and still allows, the two entities to work in harmony for the common objectives.

  • The Ceresio Foundation was among the first private foundations to promote the RBF program (Result Base Financing, a performance-based donation system), thus from 2010 financing  about 1% of the hospital's current activities (all in the maternal infant ward ) and subsidizing treatment for about 20,000 patients (mothers and newborns) over the course of several years.

Kalongo is a hospital founded in 1956 by the Comboni surgeon and missionary Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli and currently supported by the Ambrosoli Foundation. Today the hospital, located in a remote area of ​​northern Uganda, is home to 271 beds and employs 240 people.

  • The Ceresio Foundation finances part of the salary of the current Ugandan CEO of the hospital and has supported the Ambrosoli Foundation for years in managing the hospital with a very constructive collaboration.

The hospital, located in northern Benin, was founded by the doctor Fra Fiorenzo Priuli of the Fatebenefratelli order.
The structure has 415 beds, approximately 14,000 internal patients, 22,500 external consultations and has 317 employees.

  • The Ceresio Foundation, after some generic donations, is working alongside the hospital in its organizational and administrative recovery project.

The hospital, despite being in an area subject to continuous clashes and guerrilla warfare, treats about 45,000 patients a year with the help of a hundred employees.

  • The Foundation is responsible both for supporting part of the salaries of the administrative department staff, and the management of the hospital in its activities.

It is a kindergarten and a primary school that hosts 1,329 students at the Comboni Mission of Nzara, Western Equatorian, in South Sudan.

  • The Foundation has accompanied the school in the three-year financial planning process, helping to heal the deficit.

Between 2005 and 2009, the Foundation had contributed to the construction and management of the Saipu school (around 300 students). Currently the Foundation is working on the reconstruction of the building which was completely destroyed by the 2015 earthquake and continues to support the school also in its current management.